Fort Device

The amazing communication concept

Introducing the Fort Device. Imagine combining your smoke detector, wifi extender, alarm motion sensor and music speakers all into one device. How nice would it be to have Wifi signal throughout your entire property? Imagine listening to music through the house without drilling or charging a speaker system. How much extra protection would you have if every smoke detector acted as a motion sensor for your alarm system? Well, the FORT all in one system is making this a reality.


Fort Device


Extend WIFI, Play Music, Motion Sensor for Alarm

Fort is a communication device that consolidates features traditionally found in multiple products into a single “neat” little package. The idea behind Fort is to take these commonly separated components and provide seamless integration between them. Fort utilizes the philosophy behind the “Internet of Things” in order to bring seamless interaction between these traditionally unconnected devices.

Explore! You will love it.

As of 2018, Fort features AMAZON ALEXA! This will allow you to have all the fantastic features of Alexa built into every room. Our device will come with backup lithium batteries, earthquake detection via accelerometer and 16 gigabit SD storage! You can also pick face plates to customize your device. As of 11/2017 Fort Device is FULLY patented by the United States Patent office.

Interact with it without being intrusive.

Innovation on your ceiling

Cool and sexy instead of all the others out there. We wanted to a create a device that allowed you to interact with it without being intrusive. Most people have one motion detector for their alarm system on the bottom floor. However, when we incorporate the motion detector into our smoke detectors, you now have motion detection in all rooms. This led us to use the motion detector for a few other functions. Imagine if you are in the kitchen listening to your music. When you leave the kitchen, typically the music keeps playing there as you leave. However, with our Fort Device, the motion detectors tell the speaks that you are leaving. Therefore, the speakers will reduce volume in the room you are not longer in and shift the sound in the direction of where you are going.

This Is One Amazing Device

From something as simple as a Wi-Fi extender to an indoor user positioning and motion sensing system the possibilities with a Fort device are endless.

Connect it to Any Smartphone

All-new push notifications on your Android or iOS smart mobile devices are an exciting new feature for 2018 that we haven’t talked much about. We’re all familiar with notifications from any of your mobile apps, and now your new Fort Device allows you to control and receive alerts directly to your cell phone.


For more information about Fort Device, please contact us using the form below. We will do our absolute best to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.

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